東海大學化學系楊定亞教授徵有機合成博後 Postdoctoral Researcher Position Opening in Department of Chemistry Professor Ding-Yah Yang’s Organic Chemistry lab, Tunghai University 114年03月11日
發佈日期:2025-03-10 16:00:00
【誠徵職務Recruiting positions】
Seeks applicants for 1 postdoctoral researcher position in the organic synthesis lab
【徵才單位Recruitment unit】
Professor Ding-Yah Yang’s lab, department of chemistry, Tunghai University
【工作內容Work content】
Execute research projects of the NSTC.
【工作地點Work place】
407224台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段1727號 東海大學化學系
No. 1727, Sec. 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung City 407224, Taiwan Department of Chemistry, Tunghai University.
【聘期Appointment period】
Can be hired immediately.
Monthly salary for postdoctoral researcher will start with NTD 62,520 or higher.
【應徵方式How to apply】
應徵者請備妥下列電子資料:(一) 博士學位證明 (二) 履歷自傳 (含個人學經歷,具備技術、相關經驗及大頭照) (三) 個人著作目錄 (含博士學位論文英文摘要) 及相關資料,並於信件標題註明: 應徵博士後研究員-姓名,於即日起Email至:ashleywang@thu.edu.tw 王小姐收,初審未通過者恕不通知及退件,初審通過者另行電話或電子郵件通知複試時間、地點。如本單位覓得適當人員,即停止對外招募。
Applicants should prepare the following documents: (1) Doctoral degree certificate (2) Resume and autobiography (including personal academic experience, technical and relevant experience, and a photo) (3) Publication list (including English abstract of doctoral thesis) and relevant information.
Please send those aforementioned documents to Ms. Wang at ashleywang@thu.edu.tw with the title of the mail: Application for postdoctoral position – name.
Those who pass the initial review will be notified by email for the second round interview. Once the position is filled, this announcement will be nullified.
發佈日期:2025-03-11 00:00:00