發佈日期:2024-11-18 18:48:00
Gonzalez Cerulli, Ludmila Flavia:阿根廷薩瑪大學(University of CEMA, Argentina)副研究員。研究題目:Countering China's Cyberwarfare against Taiwan: Argentinian Media's Role in Raising Awareness。
Smith, Craig(史峻):澳洲墨爾本大學(University of Melbourne, Australia)教授,研究題目:Inter-Asian Translators: Identity and Ambiguity in Colonial Taiwan。
Bloesl, Bettina:德國聯邦議院(Deutscher Bundestag, Germany)行政主任,研究題目:Health Security Risks Due To Taiwan's Exclusion From Global Health Governance。
Razzak, Md Abdur:印度孟加拉科學與工業研究理事會(Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR), India)智庫專員,研究題目:Minimum Friendship Maximum Benefits: Way to Reduce Taiwan China Tension。
Lopes de Souza, Moises(莫伊塞斯):英國中洋蘭開夏大學(University of Central Lancashire, U.K.)助理教授,研究題目:Taiwanese People's Perception on Territorial Maritime Disputes: Views from its Elite。
Tosetto, Guilherme:巴西聖保羅藝術大學(Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo, Brazil)教授。研究題目:Modern Photography in Taiwan, 1950-1960。
Atabongwoung, Gallous Asong:南非普利托利亞大學(University of Pretoria, South Africa)智庫主任,研究題目:Revisiting Taiwan Somaliland Relations Post Covid-19。
Bentley, Julia Greenwood(朱麗亞):加拿大多倫多大學(University of Toronto, Canada)研究員。研究題目:Engaging Young Canada in the Sinosphere。
Lanteigne, Marc(蘭馬克):挪威特羅姆瑟大學(UiT The Arctic University of Norway)教授。研究題目:Small State Economic Diplomacy and Shelter Theory: the Comprehensive Assistance Case of Taiwan。
Massot, Pascale Marie Helene(馬思佳):加拿大渥太華大學(University of Ottawa, Canada)副教授,研究題目:Strategic Minerals in the Indo-Pacific: the Cases of Canada and Taiwan。
Yang, (Dominic) Meng-Hsuan(楊孟軒):美國密蘇里大學哥倫比亞分校歷史系(Department of History, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)副教授。研究題目:The History and Memory of Taiwan's White Terror Reconsidered: Repression and Betrayal in Chiang Kai-Shek's Army during the 1950s。
Joeleht, Karel(偉韜):愛沙尼亞塔林大學(Tallinn University, Estonia)博士生。研究題目:Zhang Shenfu and Mou Zongsan: A Comparative Study of the Translations of Wittgenstein's Tractatus。
Ali, Nasir Mohamed:索馬利蘭共和國哈爾格薩大學和平與衝突研究機構(Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland)所長,研究題目:ChinaU.S. Battle for Supremacy in the Horn of Africa and its Implications for the Regional Security。
Corcuff, Stéphane, Bruno(高格孚):法國里昂高等師範學校政治研究所(Institut d'études politiques de Lyon, France)副教授,研究題目:Institutional Reforms After The Election of The 11th Legislative Yuan: Finding The Right Balance Between Powers In The Republic of China In The DPP Era。
Gandil, Alexandre:巴黎政治學院(CERI (Sciences Po), France)副研究員,研究題目:Taiwan Beyond Its Own Strait: State Formation And Nation Building Through Sovereignty Claims Over The South China Sea。
Truong, Oscar(張凱德):法國里昂高等師範學校三角實驗室(Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, TRIANGLE Laboratory, France)博士後研究,研究題目:Democratic Grassroots Resistances Facing Authoritarianism From Taiwan To South-East Asia。
Berg, Dorothea Daria(白岱玉):瑞士聖加侖大學(University of St.Gallen, Switzerland)教授。研究題目:The Art of Anti-Utopia: Visual And Literary Narratives On Taiwan And Ukraine From Both Sides of The Taiwan Strait 反烏托邦的藝術:臺海兩岸關於台灣和烏克蘭的視覺和文學敘事。
Boc, Thanh Ha Anny:德國聯邦議院(Deutscher Bundestag, Germany)及德國柏林自由大學(Free University of Berlin)博士候選人,研究題目:Combating China's Disinformation Campaign: Lessons From Taiwan。
Huotari, Mikko:德國墨卡托中國研究所(Mercator Institute for China Studies, Germany)智庫執行長,研究題目:Knowledge Formation and the Management of Expertise in Shaping Foreign Policy Advice in Political Systems Under Pressure。
Juergen, Kremb(周勁恆):資深獨立記者,研究題目:"How The Intelligence Services of The People's Republic of China Are Preparing For A War Against Taiwan And The West: Key Players, Methods And Potential Countermeasures."。
Kliem, Jan:德國康拉德阿登納基金會(Kondrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), Germany)及德國與東南亞亞洲公共政策與良好治理卓越中心(German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG))智庫經理,研究題目:Energy Security and Taiwan - EU Relations: More Than A Marriage of Convenience。
Schneider, Florian Alexander(石若劍):荷蘭萊登大學(Leiden University, Netherlands)教授。研究題目:Fake Factory: Disinformation and Learning Machines in Taiwan。
Shi-Kupfer, Kristin:德國特里爾大學(Trier University, Germany)教授,研究題目:Space(s) For What? Actors, Motives And Narratives Shaping Taiwanese Chinese Political Discourse On Social Media Platforms。
Urbansky, Soeren(吳若痕):德國波鴻魯爾大學(Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)教授,研究題目:The Yellow Peril: A Catchphrase And Its Pacific Echoes。
Dodoo, Naa Amponsah:美國愛默生大學(Emerson College, Boston, USA)副教授。研究題目:A Regulatory Focus Perspective on the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in Taiwan and the United States。
Panoutsopoulos, Anastasios Anargyros:希臘國際關係研究所(Institute of International Economics Relations, Greece)博士後研究。研究題目:Strengthening Greece-Taiwan Relations in a Changing International System。
Tonchev, Plamen:希臘智庫「國際經濟關係研究所」(Institute of International Economics Relations, Greece)智庫主任。研究題目:China's Reaction to the Exchange of Visits of European and ROC Dignitaries: Patterns and Trends。
Szél, Bernadett(風映月):獨立學者。研究題目:After the Year of the Dragon: How is Taiwan Affected by Europe's Strategic Decisions Related to China's Geopolitical Endeavors?。
Bawaskar, Raosaheb:印度孟買馬哈拉施特拉邦國立法律大崛(Maharashtra National Law University, India)助理教授。研究題目:Taiwan's Quest For International Recognition: Challenges And Prospects。
Chopra, Rakesh:National Maritime Foundation(India)教授,研究題目:Storm Surge At High Tide In The Indo-Pacific: A Long View From Indira Point 2047。
Dhavamani, Sujatha:印度中央電化學研究所(CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute Karaikudi, India)博士生。研究題目:Innovative Borophene And Graphene Applications : Pioneering Taiwan's Semiconductor Sector And Economic Prosperity。
Fanai, Lalramhluni:獨立學者,研究題目:A Dynamic Shift In India's Foreign Policy Through Transformation of Regional Connectivity With East Asia And Pacific Region: A Study of The Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project (KMMTTP)。
Kelkar, Keshav:獨立學者,研究題目:India's Role In Taiwan's Semiconductor Strategy。
Pandey, Pooran Chandra:印度南亞大學(South Asian University, India)教授,研究題目:Labour Mobility Pact, 2024 Between Taipei And New Delhi: Potential of Indian Diaspora As A Catalyst For Comprehensive Cooperation In The Region。
Ramu, Manivannan:Multiversity-Centre for Indigenous Knowledge Systems(India)智庫主任。研究題目:Understanding Mind, Culture And Politics Chinese, Japanese And Indian Approaches To Strategic Culture And Diplomacy。
Rigzin, Chemi:國家海事基金會(National Maritime Foundation, India)助理研究員,研究題目:"The Quad And The Evolving Maritime Security Architecture In The Indo-Pacific: Avenues For India-Taiwan Collaboration Within Quad's Mechanisms.。
Sharma, Raj Kumar:戰略安全議題研究中心(NatStrat, India)研究員,研究題目:Russia-Ukraine War & Its Implications For India And Taiwan In The Indo Pacific。
Shrivastava, Megha:Manipal Academy of Higher Education(India)博士候選人。研究題目:Shifting Supply Chains And Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry: Exploring The Scope of Diversification Under Taiwan's New Southbound Policy。
Singh, Prashant Kumar:印度國防研究分析院(Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), India)研究員,研究題目:China's Vulnerabilities In Its Autonomous Peripheries And In The Core Regions。
Upadhayaya, Venus:印度國家領導力學院(National School of Leadership, India)博士生(記者),研究題目:Building Joint Social Capital For Democracy In Indo-Pacific A Project Proposal For A Monograph On Joint Innovation, Joint Capacity Building And Joint Leadership Development Between Taiwan, A Leading Tech Society And India, The Fastest Growing Economy And The Biggest Labor Market of The World.。
Vazhuthina Patta, Amina Reem:印度喀拉拉邦大學(University of Kerala, India)博士候選人,研究題目:India-Taiwan Relations In The Indo-Pacific Super Complex Triangularity: Questions of Multiple Patterns of Amity And Enmity。
Walyat, Sagina:香港大學(The University of Hongkong)及Asia Global Institute(India)助理研究員,研究題目:Catalyzing Gender Diplomacy: Transforming South Asia Through Taiwan-India Collaboration。
AA, Hubur:Trisakti University(Indonesia)副教授,研究題目:Assessing Potential Market Niches for Halal Products of Taiwan to Indonesia。
Pakpahan, Andrew Fernando:印尼復臨大學(Universitas Advent Indonesia)助理教授,研究題目:Towards a Disaster Resilience Community in West Bandung: Lessons from Taiwan's Social, Technological, and Collaborative Approach。
Kurniawan, Erry Dwi(艾里):印尼國家研究與創新局(National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia)副研究員,研究題目:Learning from Taiwan's Semiconductor Ecosystem for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies。
Betseba, Gita Aprinta Ester:Universitas Semarang(Indonesia)助理教授,研究題目:Digital Literacy Efficacy in Enhancing Youth Resilience againt Misinformation on Social Media during Presidential Election in Taiwan and Indonesia。
Irham:印尼汶萊達魯薩蘭大學(Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei)及瑪琅國立大學(Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia)博士候選人,研究題目:Medium of Instruction, Internationalization, and International Students in Taiwan Universities: Aspirations, Desires, and Realities from the Ground。
Zahidi, M Syaprin(沙普林·扎希迪):Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang(Indonesia)博士生,研究題目:Understanding Taiwan's Policy toward China: A Security Studies Approach。
Laely, Nurhidayah:印尼國家研究與創新局(National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia)研究員,研究題目:Climate Change and Energy Transition Law and Policy: Lesson Learned from Taiwan。
Kurniawan, Patrick(古逸衡):印尼哈比比中心(The Habibie Center, Indonesia)助理研究員,研究題目:The New Southbound Policy, Think Tank and Track II Diplomacy towards Southeast Asia: Prospect and Challenges。
Abt, Oded(歐克德):以色列特爾海學院(Tel Hai Academic College, Israel)助理教授,研究題目:Cross-Strait Allegiances And The Philippines Muslim-Chinese Five Surname Association海峽兩岸的政治效忠與菲律賓華人清真五姓聯宗總會。
Dayan, Ofir:以色列國家安全研究所(Institute for National Security Studies (INSS))研究助理,研究題目:Pre-elections disinformation and influence operations on tiktok: possible taiwan-israeli cooperation。
Doron, Feldman:以色列臺拉維夫大學(Tel-Aviv University, Israel)博士候選人,研究題目:The Potential of Israel-Taiwan Relations In The Geopolitical Landscape of Growing Hostility Between China And The Us。
Andolfatto, Lorenzo(安俟堂):瑞士佛立堡大學(Université de Fribourg, Switzerland)教授。研究題目:Discovering the Heavens: Kang Youwei's Zhutian Shu 諸天書 and The Co-Production of Astronomical Knowledge in Late 19th-Century China。
Bertoldi, Moreno:義大利國際政治研究所(Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI))資深副研究員,研究題目:The EU Economic Security Strategy Applied To Developments In The Taiwan Strait。
Corrales Compagnucci Lopez, Juan Marcelo:瑞士聖加侖大學(University of Copenhagen, Denmark)教授。研究題目:AI and Digital Health Care: Managing Ethical and Legal Risk During Pandemic Outbreaks in the EU and Taiwan。
De Francesco, Sergio (br Ignazio)(塞尔吉奥 (伊格内修斯)):獨立研究員,研究題目:Meeting On The Great Border: Confucianism, Christianity And Islam On Funeral Rites。
Gallelli, Beatrice:義大利為威尼斯大學(Ca' Foscari University of Venice)及義大利國際事務言研究院(Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy)助理教授,研究題目:Cross-Strait Relations In Xi Jinping's Era. The Role of Translation In (Re)Framing China's Official Narratives。
Galzerano, Clara(明亮):義大利特倫托大學(University of Trento, Italy)博士後研究,研究題目:The Role of The Central News Agency In The Development of Taiwanese Foreign Policy Towards Western Europe (1950-1979)。
Natalizia, Gabriele:義大利羅馬大學(Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)副教授,研究題目:Prospects of Italy's Asian Projection Post 2023-2024: A Strategic Focus On Taiwan。
Termine, Lorenzo:義大利羅馬國際大學(University of International Studies of Rome, Italy)助理教授,研究題目:Strategic Evaluation and Assessment of Italy's Security Commitments in the Indo-Pacific Environment SEASCOPE。
Kaneda (Toriya), Mayumi(鳥谷真由美):日本北九州市立大學外國語學院(The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)教授,研究題目:20世紀小品文的多視角研究臺灣的紙上聲音與現代性特徴。
Shozawa, Jun(所澤潤):日本立正大学(Rissho University, Japan)教授。研究題目:Exploring Social Class Mobility in Taiwan before and after 1945:The School System and the Impact of Japan's Defeat during the Japanese Rule Era。
Tajimi, Makoto(但見 亮):日本一橋大學法學研究科(Hitotsubashi University School of Law, Japan)教授。研究題目:西方法律概念的接受與變遷之台日比較:通過對話的分析。
Yoshida, Yukihiko(吉田悠樹彦):日本慶應義塾大學(Keio University, Japan)講師。研究題目:Research on Taiwanese Literature, Music and Dance in Taiwanese History and Creation of New Humanistic Methodology。
Yoshimura, Takeshi(吉村剛史):日本東海大学海洋学部(Faculty of Marine Science of TOKAI University, Japan)助理教授,研究題目:台灣社會日本因素的變化-日文媒體影響力下降與日台交流繁榮的矛盾-。
Martisius, Mantas:立陶宛維爾紐斯大學傳播學院(Vilnius University Communication Faculty, Lithuania)副教授,研究題目:Information Warfare: Case Studies of Lithuania, Taiwan And Ukraine。
Kam, Andrew Jia Yi(甘佳誼):馬來西亞國立大學馬來西亞及國際研究學院(The Institute of Malaysian and International Studies The National University of Malaysia)副教授,研究題目:Study of Malaysia and Taiwan in Low-Carbon Practices of The Semiconductor Sector。
Lam, Choong Wah:馬來西亞大學藝術與社會科學學院國際策略系所(Department of International and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)資深講師,研究題目:The Interplay of Malaysia and Taiwan in South China Sea Dispute: Opportunities and Challenges。
Lau, Zhe Wei(劉哲偉):馬來西亞國際伊斯蘭大學(International Islamic University Malaya, Malaysia)助理教授,研究題目:Recall Election in Taiwan: A Model for Malaysia to Learn。
Ng, Boon Kwee(黃文貴):馬來西亞大學(Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)副教授,研究題目:Science Diplomacy in Forging Collaborative Agricultural Research and Innovation in Taiwan and Malaysia。
León de la Rosa, Raquel Isamara(羅伊紗):墨西哥普埃布拉州自治大學(Autonomus University of Puebla, Mexico)教授。研究題目:Semiconductor Geopolitics and Its Impact in Indo-Pacific。
Batbold, Ochirbat:獨立學者,研究題目:Enhancing Youth Mental Health In Mongolia。
Oostveen, Daan Frans(亶法荷):荷蘭烏特勒支大學(Utrecht University, Netherlands)博士後研究。研究題目:Buddhism and the Anthropocene: Taiwan's Rhizomatic Religion at the Time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution。
New Zealand
Moses, Jeremy:紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學(University of Canterbury, New Zealand)副教授,研究題目:Autonomous Weapons Technologies and Indo-Pacific Relations。
Agu, Chinyere Rita:奈及利亞國際事務研究所(Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Lagos)研究員,研究題目:Key Trade and Investment Regimes in the Ecowas Region: Opportunities for Economic Relations between ROC Taiwan and Nigeria。
Audu, Bem Japhet:奈及利亞卡杜那軍事國防學院大學(Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna)副教授,研究題目:Management of Misinformation and Disinformation in Presidential Elections: A Study of Taiwan and Nigeria。
Ekpe, Bennet Essien:奈及利亞外交部和平與衝突緩節機構(Institute For Peace and Conflict Resolution, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigieria)助理研究員,研究題目:The Dynamics of Regional Security: Case Studies from East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, And the Middle East。
Umejei, Emeka:南非金山大學美國研究的非洲中心(African Centre for the Study of the US, University of the WItwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa)助理研究員顧問,研究題目:'One China' Policy: Media Framing of PRC-Eswatini Diplomatic Tension。
Lezcano, César:巴拉圭國立亞松森大學(Univerisdad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)講師。研究題目:Taiwan, the Impact of Technological Development on National Defense and Socioeconomic Progress: Foundation for a Project to Establish Centers of Excellence in AI and Technology at National Universities in Paraguay。
Bautista, Teodoro Lloydon:菲律賓公共安全學院(Philippine Public Safety College)研究員,研究題目:Cyberattacks, Cybercrimes, And Cognitive Warfare: Institutionalizing Digital Forensics And Its Architecture For Implementation In The Philippines。
Blanco, Dennis:菲律賓大學(University of the Philippines Diliman)副教授,研究題目:The Philippines-Taiwan Sustainable Development Connections: A Synthesis Research on its Divergence and Convergence。
De Castro, Renato Cruz:菲律賓得拉薩大學國際研究系所(Department of International Studies, De La Salle University, Philippines)教授,研究題目:Ensuring the Long-Term Security of the First Island Chain: Linking the Philippines' Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept (CADC) With the Defense Postures of Taiwan And Japan。
Ladia, Charles Erize Pascual:菲律賓大學(University of the Philippines Diliman)助理教授,研究題目:Deliberating on Queer Futures: Deliberative Innovations and Queer Aspirations of LGBTQIA+ Movements in Taiwan and the Philippines。
Tumanut, Michael:菲律賓大學國家公共行政與治理學院(National College of Public Administration & Governance, University of the Philippines)副教授,研究題目:Taiwan-Philippines Sister Cities: Goals, Strategies and Opportunities。
Yanquiling, Rhomir:澳洲墨爾本大學自然永續性及當地發展中心(Nature Sustainability and Local Development Center, University of Melbourne, Australia)博士生,研究題目:The Tyranny of Geography: Reflecting on Water Wars and Cooperation Discourses with the Philippines, Taiwan and China in Focus (1949-2024)。
Bartoszewicz, Monika Gabriela:挪威特羅姆瑟大學(UiT The Arctic University of Norway)副教授。研究題目:Taiwan and The Need for Capacity Building to Handle Hybrid Threats and Foreign Interference: Building Resilience and Psychological Defence Capabilities in a Deteriorated Security Environment。
Jakubczak, Weronika(葳羅雅各):波蘭消防大學(Fire University, Warsaw, Poland)副教授。研究題目:IoT, IoE Cybersecurity and Cognitive Warfare - ROC's Critical Infrastructure Perspective - Relevance for Civil Protection, Civil Defense and Territorial Defense。
Siedlok, Franciszek:英國聖安德魯斯大學(University of St Andrews, U.K.)副教授,研究題目:Collaboration Within And Between Innovation Ecosystems: Learning From The Taiwan's Bicycle Sector.。
Peter, Csanyi:斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉瓦經濟大學(University of Economics in Bratislava)副教授。研究題目:Sino-Taiwanese Relations and Current Tensions - Invasion of Taiwan: Theory vs. Reality。
Sebena, Martin:香港大學(The University of Hong Kong)講師。研究題目:Supply Chain Restructuring in the Geo-Economic World: Risk Management Practices of Taiwanese Corporates in the ASEAN Region。
imalík, Matej:斯洛伐克智庫「中歐亞洲研究中心」(Central European Institute of Asian Studies)智庫專員。研究題目:Lessons from Taiwan's Approach to Economic Security Amidst Chinese Assertiveness: Implications for the EU。
Hussein, Ahmed Mahdi:索馬利蘭共和國資訊和國家指導部(Ministry of Information, Culture and National Guidance, Republic of Somaliland)公務員,研究題目:Assessing the Impact of Diplomatic Cooperation between Somaliland and Taiwan on Regional Stability Indices in The Horn of Africa。
South Africa
Lenaghan, Patricia:南非西開普大學(University of the Western Cape, South Africa)副教授,研究題目:Cultural Bridges: Defining Sino-African Relations through Guanxi and Ubuntu。
South Korea
Ahn, Mun Suk(安文錫):韓國全北大學校(Jeonbuk National University, South Korea)教授,研究題目:The Dynamics of A Taiwan Contingency, Northeast Asian International Order and The U.S.-South Korean Alliance。
Cheong, Yong Whan(鄭鏞桓):Post-doctoral Researcher博士後研究員。研究題目:CCP Cognitive Warfare and Taiwan's Countermeasures。
Cho, Hyungjin(曹亨眞):韓國仁川大學(Incheon National University, South Korea)副教授。研究題目:Reversed Asian Paradox?Analysis of Changes in Regional integration of East Asian Democracies amid U.S.-China Strategic Competition。
Lee, Kwang Suk(李光锡):韓國首爾科學技術大學(Seoul National University of Science & Technology, South Korea)教授。研究題目:AI Algorithms' Impact on Human Labor in Taiwan and South Korea。
Park, Eunkyung(朴銀慶):韓國朝鮮研究大學 (University of North Korean Studies, South Korea)博士候選人。研究題目:臺灣和韓國的虛假新聞和安全應對措施的研究比較。
Erquiaga, Cristina:薩拉曼卡大學(Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)博士後研究員。研究題目:Global Insights: Enhancing Teaching Through The Study of Asia's Role In Contemporary History。
Bohman, Viking Bjorn:瑞典塔夫大學弗萊徹法律與外交學院(Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University)博士候選人。研究題目:China's Role In The Economic Security Landscape: Patterns of Alliances And Conflict。
Weissmann, Mikael Stefan:瑞典國防大學(Swedish Defence University)副教授。研究題目:Taiwan and the need for Capacity Building to Handle Hybrid Threats and Foreign Interference: Building Resilience and Psychological Defence Capabilities in a Deteriorated Security Environment。
Meyer, Morakot:泰國瑪希頓大學亞洲語言與文化研究所(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, Thailand)副教授,研究題目:The Museum Activist in Taiwan: Cultural Engagement with ASEAN Migrant Communities。
Teeratanabodee, Wichuta:英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge, U.K.)博士候選人,研究題目:The Milk Tea Alliance: Imagining Transnational Solidarity and The New Regional Politics in East and Southeast Asia?。
Cockel, Nian-tzu:英國樸茨茅斯大學(University of Portsmouth, U.K.)副教授,研究題目:Sowing The Seed For Food, Development And Friendship? The Overseas Aid Of The World Vegetable Centre In Taiwan。
Mitchell Hynd, Alexander Christopher:澳洲墨爾本大學亞洲研究中心(Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia; starting from January 2025)講師,研究題目:Secondary Statecraft In The Indo-Pacific: Maximising The Economic, Security, And Environmental Benefits of A Multipolar Green Energy Transition。
Poita, Yurii(溥猷立):烏克蘭智庫「軍隊轉型和裁軍研究中心」(Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies)智庫主任。研究題目:The Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Security of the Indo-Pacific。
Carrico, Kevin:澳洲蒙納許大學(Monash University, Australia)教授,研究題目:Unifying The Motherland: Chinese Nationalism And Pro-Unification Movements In Taiwan Today。
Chhabra, Sasha Bonafede(陳博樂):獨立學者。研究題目:A New Strategic Diplomacy for the Taiwanese People。
Clydesdale, Heather(柯玉珊):美國聖塔克拉拉大學(Santa Clara University, USA)助理教授。研究題目:Building Public Character in Taiwan。
Gershaneck, Kerry Kent:美國環球風險評估基金會(Global Risk Mitigation Foundation (GRMF), USA)研究員,研究題目:Multi-Domain Deterrence: Combating Cognitive Domain Warfare。
Liu, Darren(劉大任):美國西維吉尼亞大學(West Virginia University, USA)教授。研究題目:Cultural Integration in Long-Term Care: Analyzing Taiwan's Long-Term Care 2.0 Policy through A U.S. Lens。
Marinaccio, Jessica Ann(馬哲詩):美國加州州立大學多明格斯山分校亞太研究系(Asian Pacific Studies Department, California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA)助理教授。研究題目:Disputes at Port, Disputes at Sea: Taiwan-Pacific Diplomacy and Legal and Illegal Fishing in the 20th-Century Pacific 從港口到海上的衝突:台灣與太平洋島國外交關係以及二十世紀於太平洋的非法與合法捕魚。
Olah, Dean:美國關島大學(The University of Guam, USA)副教授。研究題目:Teacher Training Programs, Guam and Tawain: A Comparative Study。
Spires, Anthony:澳洲墨爾本大學(University of Melbourne, Australia)教授,研究題目:Taiwan As A Base For International Nongovernmental Organizations And Democratic Culture In Taiwan。
Upton, John Christopher(歐啟祥):美國天普大學(Temple University, USA)助理教授。研究題目:Prefiguring Revitalization: Hunting, Ecotourism, and Experiments in Indigenous Self-Governance and Wellbeing in Central Taiwan。
Visser, Robin(魏若冰):美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)教授,研究題目:More than Human: Indigenous Spiritualities in Modern Literatures of Taiwan。
Sadikov, Mirkomil(孫中山):烏茲別克科學院(Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan)及烏茲別克阿爾弗拉甘纳斯大學(AlFraganus University, Uzbekistan)副教授,研究題目:Formation of Taiwanese Identification; Heritage, Cultural And Political Factors。
Ho, Kim Huong:越南青年學院(Vietnam Youth Academy)博士後研究(獨立學者),研究題目:The Development of Taiwans the Supply Chain of Hi-Tech Agricultural Start-Ups and Implications for Vietnam。
Le, Ngoc Han:越南社會科學翰林院考古學院(Institute of Archaeology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)助理研究員,研究題目:Vietnamese Ceramics From the 14th to 18th Centuries Found in Taiwan。
Ngo Minh Trung:越南社會科學翰林院(Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam)博士生,研究題目:The Relationship Between Rule of Law and Entrepreneurship Activities。
Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Mai(阮氏玉梅):越南國家公共管理學院(National Academy of Public Administration, Vietnam)博士候選人,研究題目:台灣與越南環境保護政策比較分析。
Nguyen, Thi Phi Nga:CMC University (Vietnam) 教授,研究題目:The Impact of Short Videos on ROC-Taiwanese Consumer Purchasing Decisions and The Lessons for Marketers。
Pham, Thu Huong:越南對外經濟貿易大學(Foreign Trade University, Vietnam)副教授,研究題目:Research on Factors Affecting Vietnamese Students' Decisions to Stay in Taiwan after Graduation within the Context of New Southbound Policy。
Tran, My Hai Loc:越南河內社會科學與人文國家大學(University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Vietnam)博士候選人,研究題目:India-Taiwan Relations under Modi's Administration in the Indo-Pacific Region: Current Status and its Impact on Regional Security Architecture。